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READ: Review, Harriet Beamer Strikes Gold by Joyce Magnin

How do you solve a problem like Harriet Beamer? That’s the question her son, Henry, often faces. And it seems to arise more often now that his salt-and-pepper-shaker collecting, adventure-seeking mother, Harriet, has moved into the home he shares with his attorney wife in Grass Valley, California. In the first book of this series by award-winning author Joyce Magnin, we traveled with Harriet as she made the trek to her son’s home via bus. Now, she’s doing her best (most of the time) to make Grass Valley home. Lacking the close relationships she had back in Pennsylvania, she spends time at a neighborhood café only to get sucked into a deal that seems too good to be true. Harriet may have left the road, but her journey continues. In this novel, the reader joins her as she travels through pending grandmotherhood, a tenuous relationship with her son and daughter-in-law, and important lessons like forgiveness and letting go. All that glitters may not be gold, but the hidden nuggets in Magnin’s latest Harriet Beamer novel make it well worth the delightful, come-as-you-are read. Well done! Note from Marti: I consider author Joyce Magnin a friend, but I loved her work long before I met her. A frequent conference speaker, Joyce will keynote our Florida Chapters Word Weavers Retreat this October where she’ll speak to us about the Power of Words. I’ve posted two WRITE interviews with her, which you can read here and here. (FTC Disclaimer: I received this book as a gift from the publisher. I was not required to post a review or a positive response.) Have you read any of Joyce’s previous books? What other novels have you read with a senior citizen as the main character? I’d love to receive your comments and will pass them on to the author.  Find a local Christian bookstore Find this book on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, or at Christian Book...

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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Need a Refuge

The way God connects His Word with prayers amazes me. That’s why I can’t come to the Word without praying. And that’s why I rarely pray without the Word—either by reading it, praying a verse I’ve memorized, or making some reference to it in my prayer time. One of my favorite quiet time practices is to read five Psalms and one Proverb a day. I do this in addition to whatever other Bible study or books I’m working through. Sometimes, I read them in different translations to enrich the meaning. The fruit of this repetition comes in many ways. Over time, many of the verses have become familiar enough that God bring them to mind often. And often, God gives me His words to pray for someone else. That’s what happened as I read Psalm 91 today. I’ve prayed it often for others—but again today, His Spirit brought it to life in fresh ways. And what did I see? It’s a prayer for someone—like those I’m praying for today—who needs a refuge. Father God, my dear ones do need You to hide them under the shelter of Your wing. They do need a safe place. They do need protection. They don’t know what to do, but their eyes are on You. Oh Father, keep them there, ever there, fixed on You. And Lord, I praise You that You do not worry. You do not fear. You do not stumble. You do not get upset. Take away my concern for these loved ones and replace it with the faith that You can move mountains, the hope that You can bring life from death, and the trust that You are watching over Your Word to perform it. I ask that by the mercy of Your Spirit and the strength of Your righteous right hand, You would reach down and be a living refuge for these I hold before You today. When they run, may it be only to You. When they stumble, may Your angels lift them up. I ask You to guard them in all their ways, to deepen their love for You, and to show Yourself strong before them in every way. Protect them, oh Jesus, from the one lies and steals and destroys. Since they are fully Yours, he has no place in their lives. May his power be dissolved like the snow in the hot noonday sun. And may You rule and reign in such a way that, even before You return, we catch a glimpse of Your glory. Thank You that You are a refuge. You are a dwelling place. And no matter how hurt, how desperate, how far away You are, we can always turn...

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Pray: #PrayerKeeper Feedback, Please!

“That applies to everyone!” “I think we all need that prayer.” “You do realize you’re praying for the whole world, right?” These are some of the responses I receive when I share what have become my daily #PrayerKeeper Facebook status posts and tweets. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I’ve continued them only because they seem to minister to people. I’m wary of “praying to [myself]” like the proud Pharisee in Luke 18. If I ever sense the posts are becoming less than authentic, I’ve promised myself to stop posting. But I digress. I do realize that often the prayers apply to everyone. To be honest, that’s how they end up online. Most of the time, I’m praying for a friend, family member, or for myself and realize a particular prayer could apply to many. Those tend to be the ones I post.  So, to those who have commented to that effect, thanks for the affirmation. I’m grateful they apply to everyone. And today, I have an important question. More than a few of you have written to tell me these posts should be a book. As much as people may like them, no one would publish a book consisting only of “I’m praying for . . .” I don’t want to write what won’t sell. But I’d love your help in an informal survey. What type of prayer book would you like? Brief (but expanded) prayers like the ones I sometimes post (check out some favorites here and here)? A devotional-type book with the “praying for” and then a brief explanation of who might need that prayer and why, along with a one-or two-sentence prayer? Something else? Or nothing at all? I’m busy writing other books right now, and another author and I hope to share a how-to book to help demystify prayer. But as I look ahead, I’m thinking about how many people of all ages, shapes, and genders tell me God uses those daily PrayerKeeper posts. In the words of the wise Henry Blackaby, I want to watch where God is working and join Him. So—let me know what you think. Leave a comment below or feel free to email me through the contact link on the right. Thank you, as always, for your kind and affirming words. I hope when you see the words, “Praying for. . .” or the #PrayerKeeper hashtag, you know I am praying, often multiple times throughout the day for that same request. I appreciate the trust you place in me when you share your prayer needs. And, as always, I’m honored to lift you before...

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Where’s Marti? Speaking and Travel Schedule, Fall 2013

Don’t you love this first sign of the coming season, found on my morning prayerwalk? (I’m holed up in a hotel writing while my two youngest daughters attend a conference). I celebrate these beautiful gifts much more now that I live in Florida than I did growing up in Ohio. But what do I do when I’m not writing, editing, or driving my children to Christian conferences? Funny you should ask. I spent much of the summer in travel, most of it writing-related. But this fall, I’ll spend most of my time at home. I still homeschool my youngest daughter and teach a weekly class at our homeschool co-op. And yes, I have lots of writing and editing to do. My work-related travel is either to speak and teach (usually on writing, prayer, or homeschooling, but sometimes on other topics as well) or to do research for a book or magazine project. I serve two nonprofit organizations with my writing as well as my prayers, and this fall, both have events where I’ll serve. Here’s where you can find me out and about through the end of the year: Saturday, September 21: Speaking on “Master the Memoir” for Adventures in Christian Writing, Calvary Assembly in Orlando, FL; 10:00am, Educational Building, Room 105 (all are welcome) Friday, October 25-Sunday, October 27: Serving on the Leadership Team, Word Weavers Florida Chapters Retreat, Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL;  (My good friend, novelist Joyce Magnin, is keynoting here) Friday, November 1-Sunday, November 3: Speaking on Prayer for iGO, Awe Star Ministries’ Annual Missions Conference, First Baptist Church, Owassa, OK; Wednesday, November 20-Sunday, November 24: Serving as writer, judge, and volunteer, The National Bible Bee, Sevierville, TN; Feel free to let me know if you’re interested in having me come to your area to speak or teach. You can find more information here, but feel free to write me through the “contact” link on my home page, too. Fall blessings to each one! And don’t forget to leave a comment about your connection to one or more of these events. I’d love to see you at one or...

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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Plan Before They Pray

 The words stared out at me from the opening of my daily Bible study: “Lord, help me be willing to erase the list I have made for myself today.” Talk about instant conviction. I’m traveling near the end of the week, so I have to compress many of my duties into a shorter time span. Yesterday, I made a long to-do list and proudly completed several items on it. Every time I remembered my list, I felt satisfied. After all, I was organized. I was on top of things. And I had failed to remember the things of God. The items on my list weren’t horrible or harmful. But I had scribbled them down without prayer, without conscious thought of eternal rather than temporal values. As I work to reshape my list today, I’m praying. First and last. Do you tend to plan before you pray? Then I’m praying for you, too. Lord of all creation, You are above all, over all, in all and through all. I know You care about my daily activities. I know Your Spirit fills me so nothing I do is without You. But I also know when I’ve been wrong, when I’ve failed to consider You or what You say is important. I know when I haven’t sought Your kingdom first. Forgive me, Lord, for taking my own way rather than Yours. And be with others whose proper planning and step-by-step organization can take the place of the gentle whisper of Your Spirit or the not-so-quiet nudge of Your holy Word. Help us listen to You, Lord. Help us walk with You. You—not work, not family, not pressures, not priorities—are our top priority and highest goal. Help me, help us, demonstrate this by the lives we live before You today and each of the days You graciously give us. In Jesus’ name I pray—AMEN. If you have a particular prayer need or a story that fits with today’s PRAY post, feel free to email me or leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your story, and I’d love the privilege of praying for you. (The winner of last week’s gift book, Dear God, He’s Home! by Janet Thompson plus one bonus book is my far-flung friend, Angie Attaguile, whose husband lost his job back in June. Angie, I’ll message you with options for your other book choice, and I’ll keep praying for you and your family in this time of waiting. Congratulations!)...

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