WRITE: Words with Friends: Grace Fox
Not long ago, I featured this popular review of Morning Moments with God by Grace Fox along with a contest to win my review copy. Today, I’m interviewing the author as part of my Words with Friends blog feature. So far, Grace is a virtual friend in that we’re both members of both AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and CAN (Christian Authors Network) but have yet to meet in person. I enjoyed getting to know her better and hope you will, too. Make sure you read all the way to the bottom for the BONUS below! Welcome, Grace! How did your writing career begin? My husband and I served as missionaries in Nepal for three years in the 80s, and our sending agency asked us to write monthly newsletters to our supporters. I enjoyed finding creative ways to write these letters, and our readers made comments such as, “Your descriptions make us feel as though we’re right there with you.” Their enthusiasm lit a spark within me to seriously consider writing something other than missionary newsletters when we returned to North America. In 1998, I decided to try publishing a line of greeting cards. I attended the Florida Christian Writers Conference and showed my cards to a Dayspring editor. She politely rejected them, but that only pointed me in a different direction on my writing journey. I attended several workshops about writing for magazines, and several months later mustered the courage to put into practice what I’d learned. That’s so interesting, especially since I’ll serve on faculty at that same conference next week. But I know you speak as well as write. Can you tell us about your speaking ministry? I speak regularly at women’s retreats and conferences in North America and mostly Eastern Europe. My passion is to connect the dots between faith and real life for my audiences – to help them understand how Scripture is relevant to everyday life. My audiences are ages 19-80 – singles and marrieds alike. I address universal issues such as how to overcome fear and how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus amidst a busy life. Your readers can learn more here: http://www.gracefox.com/speaking-events/ Because of my own interest in missions, my blog often has an international focus. Please share with our readers a little about the global aspect of your work. My husband and I co-direct International Messengers Canada, a non-profit mission that offers creative short-term and career ministry opportunities. We have 180 career missionaries now, working in 14 countries. The bulk happens in Eastern Europe because that’s the work began more than 30 years ago. Our philosophy is, “How has God hard-wired you? What are your passions? How can...
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