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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Feel Trapped

A friend challenged me last week. I’d posted a prayer thought (“Marti Pieper is praying for. . .”) and he commented, “How are you praying?” Great question. And since my friend’s a longtime journalist, it came as no surprise. But I did have to think for a while before I wrote a brief prayer summary to add to my Facebook page. That event reminded me of something I’ve thought about for a few weeks now: My brand and blog state my passion to READ.WRITE. PRAY. But for the past few months, I’ve focused so much on regular blogs for the READ and WRITE sections that I’ve neglected to write much about prayer. Today, I want to apply my friend’s question to another prayer. Throughout the day today, I’m praying for those who feel trapped. So how am I praying?  No written prayer can express all the communication that take place in prayer. But here’s a hint, an idea, a sampling. And if you have more to add, I’d love to read it—and pray alongside you. Father God, today I lift before You those who feel trapped. I know traps can occur for many reasons and I know they all bring pain and fear.  God, please come to these dear ones. Let them know You are in the trap with them, caring for them as no one else. Lord, I ask You to show your power here. Because You have all authority, You can break the trap and free the captive or You can change the trap into a treasure. You can use men, angels, time, and circumstances to carry out your desires. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in and through these traps this day. You tell us in Your Word that all things work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. I pray those who feel trapped would love You—that You would use the trap to draw them near. I pray they would see good in and through this situation they hate and that others would see it as well. May the trap cause many to point to You.  Our Savior, where the enemy is involved, I ask You to trap him. Bring your power and might to bear on these situations.  Into a trap of illness, bring healing. Into a trap of hatred, bring love. Into a trap of misunderstanding , bring clarity. Into a trap of doubt, bring faith. And into a trap of deceit, please come in your power as the Truth that sets free.  Thank You for knowing the hearts, circumstances, needs, and desires of any who feel trapped today. Thank You for covering any...

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