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PRAY: Prayer for Physical Healing

Our God, I recognize You today as the God who heals. I praise You because of Your great grace and the way You use it to pour your power through our weaknesses. Today, I surrender the physical needs in our lives to You. No diagnosis, illness, or wound surprises you. I ask for Your protection from the enemy who so often invades this area of our lives. You designed a world without sin and sickness, without cancer or chronic pain. But You also use physical problems to bring people closer to You. While I ask for healing, I pray for the grace to endure. Allow no one to suffer in vain. May our light and temporary afflictions bring us into the greater glory that is ours in relationship with You. May we know You more and more in spite of— even because of—our physical needs, concerns, and problems. As Jesus knelt to make a mud ball to place on the blind man’s eyes, so I bow in life’s dirt to offer Your healing and hope. Remind us all to pray for those who fear the future, those who live with constant pain, and those who have already suffered much. I ask You to come to those who have physical problems, to be present and powerful in every conversation with doctors and other medical personnel. Give these instruments of healing Your wisdom, Lord God, and allow them to see Your glory as they serve.  May we see You and show You as we lay our physical bodies before You each day. In the holy name of Jesus I pray with faith, AMEN.  Do you or does someone you know have a special need in the area of physical healing? I’d be honored to lift your request before Him. Feel free to leave a comment or email me. Thanks for sharing in this time of...

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PRAY: Prayer for Family Healing

Beloved Father and Shepherd of our souls, I come to You today with gratitude in my heart for the gift of family. I know You designed families to present a perfect picture of You and Your work. But so often, God, we are sorrowful people in shattered relationships. Sin and Satan have entered in to fracture our families and leave them in deep need. Today, I pray for healing of family bonds. I ask you to breathe your unity throughout each family. Where hatred reigns, let love prevail. Where anger rises, let peace endure. Where selfishness chokes, let sacrifice come forth. And where bitterness poisons, let the sweet balm of your Spirit whisper truth, light, and life. Lord, you know the deep needs of each family touched by this prayer. Some have relatives who don’t know You. Some have family members who don’t communicate with them anymore. Some have loved ones removed from them by death, illness, or the deceitfulness of sin. I ask for Your grace to allow each one to stand strong amid these trials and for Your mercy to flow in and through every unique situation. Protect us from the evil one, and knit the hearts of our families together even as you knit our own hearts more closely to Yours. In Christ’s holy name I pray, AMEN.  Do you have a more specific family prayer need? Leave a comment below or email me here. I’ll be honored to lift you and yours before...

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