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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Can’t Fix It

My late father was a fixer. He grew up on a farm and learned early to use his hands, a few tools, and his mechanical insight to fix almost anything. I’ve seen him take apart everything from dishwashers to riding lawn mowers and put them back together in better working order. As a child, I brought him countless broken toys, waiting confidently as he turned them over in his large hands to “Fix it, Daddy.” The past few years have brought a new sense of brokenness to my life. Circumstances, experiences, and relationships have made me aware of my own inability to manipulate, manage, or fix anything. Because I know I’m not alone in my weakness, I offer today’s prayer: Dear Father, I’m coming to you today as the only One who can “fix it.” I stand before you to place my brokenness, my weakness, my inability in your powerful hands. Lord, receive this offering as all I have to give. I ask you to take it and use it for your glory, no matter what. I believe you work all things together for good to those who love you and are called according to your purpose. I trust you to do that in your way and in your time. Thank you, dear Lord, for your enduring presence in my life. Thank you for not pushing me aside or telling me you’re dealing with more important matters. Thank you that you knew all about my shattered condition long before I offered myself to you. Thank you for your promise to pour out your grace and to extend your power through my weakness. Help me learn yet again that my inability is the vehicle for your support, my confusion the avenue for your wisdom, my lack the door that opens the way for your abundance. I praise you because you have it figured out. I praise you that I need not cling to the past. I praise you that I can relinquish the people I love and the situations I hate, the relationships that hurt and the ones that delight, all to you. Holy God, reveal your power. Show me your glory. And work, oh, please work, as only you can. In your mighty name I pray, AMEN. Do you have a broken place in your life? Are you asking God to “Fix it, Daddy?” Feel free to share in the comments so others may join you in prayer or contact me through the link to the right of this post.  I would be more than honored to add my prayers to...

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PRAY: Prayer for the New Year

Father, I love you. I praise you because you are sovereign and thank you for your unfailing love. I bow before you and lift up my hands unto your name, the great name that is above all others. Lord, I cannot give this New Year to you because you already own it. Instead, I come to you to acknowledge you as Lord over 2013 and over my life. I offer myself to you, day by day and moment by moment. I acknowledge your authority over me and surrender to your perfect will in every detail. Thank you, God, that you see the big picture and the many small details. Thank you for the ways you will press, mold, shape, and challenge me this year. Thank you for your Word which will be used of your Spirit to make me more like you. Thank you, Father, for my family. Thank you for the joys and concerns we share. Thank you that you intend each trial and triumph to bring us closer to one another and closer to you. I ask you to invade each of our days and to make your presence known in mighty ways. I ask for the fruit of your Spirit and the assurance of your love. Thank you for giving us each other. Thank you for giving us yourself. Thank you, Jesus, for my friends. You’ve blessed me with relationships old and new. May each one reflect your character and your purpose in our lives. As I move through this year, show me new ways to bless those around me, new freedom to proclaim your truth. There’s much more I could say, but I want to listen, too. Lord, grant me ears to hear your voice and a discerning spirit to block out all others. As I walk with you into the newness of this year, may I continue to hope in your goodness, trust in your plans, and love others in the wonderful ways you have loved me. Protect me from the evil one and keep me in your name, the powerful name of your Son in whom I place my life and my prayer, AMEN. Do you have a prayer request for the New Year? Please leave it as a comment below or, if you’d prefer to keep it more private, email me instead. May you experience his peace and know his power throughout...

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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Grieve

In my quiet time today, I read the following: “My soul weeps because of grief, Strengthen me according to Your word” (Psalm 119:28). My soul weeps because of grief. This year, I understand that as never before. And so I offer today’s prayer for those whose souls also weep—and who are looking for strength beyond themselves. Feel free to pray it with me as your own. Dear Father, I confess to you my heavy heart. It’s weighed down with sadness for the losses I’ve experienced over the past several months. It seems I haven’t healed from one before another strikes. Loss has left me feeling alternately numb, angry, lonely, and just plain tired. Grief hurts. Lord, I don’t mean to complain. You give me daily reminders of your mercy and love. The beautiful sunrise this morning caused me yet again to look to you in awe. I know you’ve given me so much, and I am so grateful. In my walk with you and my relationships with family and friends, I have the most precious of treasures. But still, I hurt. I come to you now asking you to forgive this weakness and fill me with your strength. Replace my lack of trust with confidence in your plan, your will, and your ways. Use every bit of my sorrow to make me more like you. In your gentleness, make me great—great in spirit, great in love, that I may comfort others with the comfort you’ve given me. God, I need you today to show me your presence. I need you to reveal your power. Please do as you say and strengthen me according to your word. The Scriptures hold so much truth. Let me grasp on to them —and to you—as if my life depended on it. Because it does. Again, Lord, I don’t mean to complain about my sorrows. But I know the child who runs to you will never be turned away. Take me on your lap and hold me, Father. I long to find my comfort in you. In your holy name I pray—AMEN.  Has this been a season of loss for you? Do you find yourself bathed in grief or sorrow? Feel free to leave a comment below or email me at the “contact” link on my website, . I would be honored to pray for...

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READ: Review, Garden Graces by Janice Elsheimer

During what’s proven to be a painful year, I’ve neglected the READ portion of my blog. I still did plenty of reading, but I haven’t reviewed many of my finds. I’m contemplating some changes in the way I post reviews, but in the meantime, I want to share some possibilities for your Christmas shopping this year. Today’s would be perfect for the green thumb or gardener wannabe on your list. Does a love for tending plants transfer at the genetic level? I’m not sure if nature or nurture left me with a love for watching and helping things grow. I do know my engineer father longed to return to his days on the family farm (and did so, to his great delight, for nearly twenty years in retirement). And my mother, who grew up in the city, is never happier than when coaxing seedlings to sprout or sharing the bounty of her vegetable garden. One of my earliest memories is of my mother giving me the privilege, at three years old, of choosing flowers to fill the area below my bedroom window. “Ageratum” may seem like a big word for a three-year-old, but I never forgot it or the fuzzy blue flowers that brought me such delight. This explains why Janice Elsheimer’s Garden Graces: The Wisdom in Growing Things (Beacon Hill, 2010) spoke to me right away. Janice has a wonderful way of viewing life through the eyes of a seasoned gardener. Her book allows us to travel with her through the various seasons, plants, and problems of her gardening life—and the rest of her life as well. Janice’s poignant, transparent voice allows both gardening and grace to become a shared experience of wonder. Practical gardening tips mingle with life truths in a way that encourages the reader to celebrate gardening as an organic, spiritual experience. The “Soul Gardening” section at the end of each chapter provides a gentle push toward self-examination, even pruning. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to read Garden Graces and absorb its reminder that life—and gardening—holds treasures best found by digging in the dirt. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have roses to tend. Do you have a family heritage of gardening? How does time spent in the garden enrich your spiritual life? Feel free to share in the comment section below.   Find a local Christian bookstore:  Find this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or at Christian Book Distributors (FTC Disclaimer: I bought this book from the author, a personal friend. I was not required to post a review or a positive...

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