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Under Construction

Under Construction

No one welcomes these signs (unless it’s the construction workers, since the sign means they still have jobs). Starting next week, my blog will take a brief break while my website undergoes a makeover from the talented team at Tekeme Studios. When it returns, I’ll  have a WordPress blog and a whole new look for my website. I haven’t seen the design yet, but I’m anticipating something wonderful. You can still catch my (almost) daily PrayerKeeper posts and tweets on Facebook and Twitter. And I look forward to sharing my new look with you...

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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Ask and Keep on Asking

PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Ask and Keep on Asking

Photograph © 2012, Andrew Pieper “Up to this time, you have not asked a [single] thing in My name [that is, presenting all I AM] but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete” (John 16:24, AMP). Don’t you love it when God opens up a scripture passage in fresh ways? This year, I’ve been reading through the Bible in the Amplified version. Yes, it’s cumbersome. No, it’s not always accurate. But yes, it does give me a fresh view of my Father and the way He works. And that’s what happened when I read this verse early this morning. One of the things I love about the Amplified is its rich rendering of Greek verbs. The word for ask here comes to us in the linear or continuous tense. The Amplified captures it in a lovely manner: “ask and keep on asking.” Ask and keep on asking. That’s what we do, isn’t it? When we have a hurting child or an unresolved conflict or a situation we find ourselves powerless to change, we do it. We ask and keep on asking. We persist in prayer. When the situation seems impossible, when the doors of heaven seem closed, when God’s arm seems short or his ear unhearing, we ask and keep on asking. If you find yourself in this situation, I’m praying for you. Today. Father, today I come to You on behalf of those who are persisting in prayer. I come praising You because You hear and answer according to Your Word. I come honoring You because You know the plans You have for us. And I come beseeching You because these dear ones are weary. So weary. Lord, You know their needs. You hear each cry. None of the whispers and none of the shouts has escaped You. You listen and love the mother kneeling at the bedside of her handicapped child, begging for favor and deliverance from evil. You hear the husband who sits at home, head in his hands, waiting for just one company to respond to the resumes he’s spread around. You hear the anguished wife whose husband has decided their marriage is no longer his priority. You hear the child who has been abandoned. You hear the grandparents who feel alone and powerless. Come to each one, Lord God. Come to them with Your mighty love. Come to them with all Your promises. Remind them to cling. Remind them to trust. And God, remind them to keep on asking—not because of their faithfulness, but because of Yours. In Your holy name I pray—AMEN. Are you in the “Ask, and keep on...

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READ: Review, The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck

READ: Review, The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck

  Tomboy or girly-girl, traditional or contemporary, silk or denim—almost every little girl dreams of, hopes for, and plans for her wedding day. But Charlotte Malone takes her childhood dreams to adult proportions. As the owner of a Birmingham bridal boutique, she helps brides find not just any gown, but the perfect gown, an ideal match for each style, taste, and budget. So why is Charlotte having so much trouble choosing a gown of her own? When she purchases a vintage dress locked in an antique trunk, she—and the dress—begin an adventure filled with hope, romance, and more than a hint of mystery. As she learns more about the dress and the women who have worn it, she discovers more about herself as well. Without missing a step, the author dances between Charlotte’s modern-day story and those of the three other brides who wore the dress. Although I’ve read and enjoyed several of Rachel Hauck’s books, The Wedding Dress, a recent RITA award nominee, has become my new favorite.  Discerning readers will want to spend time examining the metaphor behind a timeless dress that fits everyone who tries it on and never wears out. Read The Wedding Dress—and join Charlotte in celebrating both bride and Bridegroom. Tom and Marti, 8/6/83 Find this book on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, or at Christian Book Distributors. Did you acquire your wedding dress in an unusual way? Mine was a $100 clearance rack special, but I wore it with as much joy as a designer exclusive.  Feel free to leave a comment to tell us about your wedding dress—or something else that relates to this sweet story. And watch  for a Words with Friends interview with novelist Rachel Hauck, coming soon!  ...

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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Face Unseen Enemies

PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Face Unseen Enemies

Photograph  © 2012, Andrew Pieper Have you had it happen yet? Your life moves along in one direction when sudden circumstances turn it upside down. The medical tests yield an unwanted diagnosis. The annual job evaluation includes a pink slip. The water pipes burst. The relationship shatters. People who face unseen enemies work beside us. They live next door to us. They stand in front of us in line at the grocery store and walk on the treadmill next to us at the gym. They smile at us in church. And most of the time, we have no clue that beneath the surface, their hearts are breaking for themselves or for those they love. Today, I want to pray for those people, knowing I’m in their number. Dear Lord, today I lift up to You those who face unseen enemies and fight invisible battles. I thank You, my Father, that You are both powerful and present in every situation and that nothing is beyond Your sight or Your reach. I thank You that You equip us for battles unknown. You give us Your armor that we may stand and fight. Lord, I pray for those facing unseen enemies outside themselves. I pray against the spiritual forces of darkness and ask You to overcome them. I pray against the tide of hatred, jealousy, and anger that causes nation to turn against nation and pits brother against brother. Protect us from the evil one, almighty God. Protect us from our friends and our enemies. Allow us to heap Your love and kindness upon them all. Savior, I ask for Your redemptive hand of mercy up those who face unseen enemies within. In our fallen world, the forces of addiction, of chronic pain, of disease and even death seem overpowering. But greater are You who is within us, Lord God! We praise You for the victories You will give, for the freedom we will attain, for the healing You intend. We ask that nothing in our lives would keep us from receiving Your gifts. Cleanse us that we may walk worthy of You and your holiness. Restore us that we may be whole. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray—AMEN. Sometimes, unseen enemies are also ones of which we’re unaware. If you have a prayer request that connects to such a need, feel free to share it in a comment below or email me. I’ll count it an honor to lift you and your need before Him....

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