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WRITE: Devotionals, Out of the Dust, Power Surge

Posted by on October 22, 2014 in missions, Out of the Dust, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Photo © Andrew Pieper, 2013.

Photo © Andrew Pieper, 2013.

News Flash: The publisher and Amazon have arranged an early release. So the book is now available in all Amazon formats (paperback and Kindle) as of today. Check the links at the bottom of the page to order through your favorite bookseller. Remember: You’re not just buying a book but giving to the ministry Avis founded in Peru. She is keeping none of the proceeds for herself; all will go to support her work.

 We often feel bound by our physical limitations. In today’s devotional from our upcoming release, Out of the Dust, Avis Goodhart shares how to move beyond those barriers.

 #10: Power Surge

 Scripture Reading: Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Thought: When I walk in the Spirit, bodily limitations disappear. My spirit me is much bigger than my body me.

Excerpt, Out of the Dust: At age fifty, I took my first international mission trip. I went to serve the people of Honduras and was amazed at the ways the Lord worked.

I returned from Honduras a changed woman. Not just because of what God had done there, but because He chose me to do it.

For years, my eyes bore the same sad expression I see on some of our children. Everywhere I went, a sense of shame and dirtiness accompanied me. Satan was doing his best to keep me on the sidelines. And that’s where I see so many believers today, put out of commission by a past event. Maybe they were abused. Maybe they feel inadequate. For them, fading into the pew is the safest route.

It’s a lie. The deceiver uses our own memories to sidetrack us. But I learned to do what all believers must: Focus on my identity in Christ Jesus. Through Him, I can do anything (Philippians 4:13).

We’re forgiven. The limits of our abilities no longer bind us. We are Jesus’ inheritance with new resources, new talents, and renewed spirits.

Many years ago, God invited me to come out into my spirit, where bodily limitations disappear. Suddenly, I understood: my spirit me is so much bigger than my body me. Our spirit joined to His Holy Spirit opens limitless resources.

God wants us to think outside the mental boundaries we set. We must learn to depend on His abilities in us to accomplish whatever He calls us to do. (Chapter 11)

Prayer: Holy Spirit, lead me to a place of full surrender. Fill me and help me walk away from my bodily limitations into total dependence on you.


Do you have a question, comment, or prayer request? Feel free to share it below or email me through the link at the top of the page. I’ll respond as soon as I can.

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Purchase Out of the Dust on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, or at ANEKO Press (the new Amazon release date: TODAY!).

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Read about Avis Goodhart and Go Ye Ministries.

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