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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Need a New Attitude

Posted by on May 15, 2013 in Pray, Uncategorized | 8 comments

New Attitude

Photo © Andrew Pieper, 2012

“____________ isn’t treating me with respect.”

“____________ borrowed something of mine—again—without asking.”

“____________ doesn’t see things from my perspective.”

This morning, all these thoughts ran through my head before it left my pillow. I wish I could say I responded in prayer. I start my day that way (almost) every day. But today, I brooded and stewed. I fretted and fussed—all in stony silence. Outwardly calm (as long as no one made a close inspection), I was inwardly upset. And it was everyone else’s fault.

At least in my head. But some time in the Word and a prayerwalk later, and I realized the source of the problem. She stared back at me from the bathroom mirror.

Once again, I’d allowed myself to listen to wrong voices, focus on wrong things, and ended up with a wrong attitude. So today, I’m praying for you.

Because I know you. And I know that–today or another day–you’re just like me.

God, today I bring to You my bad attitude. No one else gave it to me. Nobody else caused it. Although it often seems contagious, I know it doesn’t spread like a virus. The true problem with my attitude bears my name.

I can’t fix this myself, Lord. I’m grumpy. I’m crabby. I’m touchy—and no one had better touch me, because those bitter bubbles simmering under the surface might explode.

Father, today I need You to fix my attitude. I need You to help me take the form of a servant. I need You to help me consider others more important than myself. I need You to replace my haughtiness with humility, my pouting with praise.

I need You to change me, because I can’t change myself.

Jesus, You gave us the perfect example of someone who put Himself last. When  scorned, mocked, and lied about, You remained silent. When reviled, You did not revile in return. You had every chance to spew words of hatred but spoke words of healing and forgiveness instead.

Today, my Master, move me to lay myself down on Your altar. I acknowledge my inability to do even that much on my own. Live, move, and breathe through me. Help me to die as You live Your life through me. I can’t get it right—but You can. In Your holy name I pray, AMEN.

Because of website updates (HUGE shoutout to Tekeme Studios for the new look), I’ve been away from Read. Write. Pray for a whole month. And I didn’t want to return with a bad attitude (hence today’s prayer).

If you have a bad attitude, you don’t have to tell us about it. But if you’d like prayer, feel free to share in the comments below or use the “Contact” link  to email me. Either way, I’m praying for you, and rejoicing in the changes He’s making—inside and out.


  1. yes, I needed this today! I just plain didn’t want to GET OUT of bed today at all! But, I somehow managed, and here I am, LORD…Use me today for your honor and glory…Amen.
    Thank you, Marti, for this little attitude check up today. I so totally relate…and needed the adjustment.
    Blessings be upon you today and in all your “future endeavors”. 🙂

    • I find it far too easy to have a bad attitude and not even realize it. I’m thankful for those wake-up calls God gives me, Pam. Thanks for sharing (and glad you’re blogging again, too!).

  2. My attitude is spoiling loads of wonderful opportunities that The Lord has blessed me with, my job, my relationship with my partner and most important with my dear mother who really does not deserve any of this . Im only 20years old, I do not want to be like this anymore and I hope I can be a better person sooner than later..

    Really did need this! Thank you !!

    • We all need help with our attitudes at times. I think that’s why this is one of the most popular prayers I’ve posted. Thanks for sharing your need. I’m praying!

  3. i was delighted when i came across this prayer. I’ve been struggling with my attitude problem especially in my work environment. I knew i needed a change in my attitude in dealing with others.
    Thank u for posting that prayer. I’m praying that the Lord will help me change so that i reflect His love in my everyday life . God bless u.

    • I’m glad it blessed you. It is one of my most popular PRAY posts, probably because we all struggle with our attitude. May He renew yours and mine today. I am praying!

  4. My anger is driving away many great opportunities from my life….my friends, my family are all complaining. ..even some of them are talking about me behind my back. .. I need the Lord God to change my life totally, I need a great change of attitude….the way I talk to people and my manner of approach…Please help me pray as am praying as well. .

    • I am praying, and thank you for sharing. May the Lord give each of us the strength to line up our attitudes with His every day!

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