READ: Review, Life’s Too Short to Miss the Big Picture: Making the Most of What’s Important by Steve Diggs
Financial counselor and life skills coach Steve Diggs offers bite-sized nuggets of truth throughout Life’s Too Short to Miss the Big Picture: Making the Most of What’s Important. Divided into seventy readable chapters called “Life Notes,” his book comes from the perspective of a fellow struggler rather than an expert. Each chapter shares personal and/or current illustrations, biblical solutions, and practical takeaways that allow the reader to move from principle to practice.
Diggs’ warm, engaging style grants him ready permission to speak the truth to his readers. He consistently emphasizes his own shortcomings as he urges us to focus on life’s essentials, the “big picture.” But he also takes the next step and adds practical handles to that picture. A review of the chapter titles alone (“Help Meet Needs of Others,” “Cherish the Interruptions,” “Lay Down Your Pride,” etc.) reveals much about the caliber of their content. The book’s readable, accessible format makes it work well as devotional reading, one chapter a day. It can also be covered in a few sittings—the literary equivalent of a series of personal sessions with a caring life coach.
At this time of year, a fresh graduation announcement arrives in the mailbox almost every day. Life’s Too Short makes a great gift for any eager graduate and would be equally appropriate as a Father’s Day offering. Steve Diggs has it right: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Big Picture.