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PRAY: Prayer for Those Who Don’t Know Where to Start

Posted by on February 27, 2014 in Pray, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Photo © 2013, Andrew Pieper

Photo © 2013, Andrew Pieper

New things. Depending on our personality, new occasions, experiences, and people may carry with them great fear, great excitement, or great joy.

I’m feeling a bit of all three things here today at the Florida Christian Writers Conference. As both a writer and intercessor, I’m an observer of people. I’ve already met some who can’t wait for the real conference (we’ve had pre-conference classes, intro sessions, a meet-and-greet, and even a karaoke time so far) to begin. But some are not sure whom to speak to (or not), not sure where to find their classes, not sure which classes to take, and not sure what to do with their work. They don’t know where to start.

Today, I’m praying for them–and for you if you’re in a similar situation (even if you’re not at a conference). Will you join your prayers with mine?

Father, today I lift up those who don’t know where to start. I ask You to draw near to them, to bring them Your peace and protection. Help them know they are not alone. Thank You for being so big yet so warm and personal. Thank You that you care about the big picture and the small one, the mighty and the lowly, the knowledgeable and the clueless. And thank You that no matter where I fit in to those descriptions, You care about me.

Lord, I thank You that You are Lord over every person, ,every circumstance, every encounter, every appointment. I thank You that You are not only completely in charge but completely loving and completely holy. Thank You that You are perfect and Your ways are right.

We don’t know what to do, Lord, but our eyes are on You (2 Chron. 20:12). We don’t know where to start. Our task may seem impossible Lord, the obstacles we face insurmountable. But You promise that as we acknowledge You in all our ways, You will direct our paths. This is what we ask for today, our King and our God. Direct our paths in ways that honor You. Align our steps in ways that bring You glory. And secure our boundaries in ways that keep us ever close to You. 

We want to go where You go and live where You live. We want to turn where You turn and stop where You stop. Give us the blessedness of Your presence as we start first, last, and always with You. In Your holy name I pray–AMEN.

Are you confused about where to start? Do you have a praise or prayer request? Feel free to share it in the comments or send me an email via the link at the top of my page.  And thanks for sharing in my prayer.

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