READ: Review, D.I.V.A.S. OF THE DIVINE by Donna McCrary and Sherri Holbert
Godly divas? Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? But D.I.V.A.S. of the Divine: How to Live as a Designer Original in a Knock-off World (Henly Publishing, 2010) does not promote the traditional diva lifestyle. Instead, this combination workbook, Bible study, and journal provides readers with creative tools to build joy, balance, and accountability into their lives. As a pastor’s wife, I’ve seen the lack of these three elements in others’ walks with Christ as well as my own. In particular, accountability often goes missing from our overfilled, disconnected lives. D.I.V.A.S. (the acronym stands for Devoted Individuals Via prayer, Accountability, and Spiritual Growth) ensures that factor through a built-in component. The book’s first chapter encourages readers to find an accountability partner and offers four different ways to support and maintain such a relationship. The book consists of eight weeks of study that contain five sessions apiece. The authors recommend thirty to forty minutes per day to complete the daily devotionals. Each day’s study is also divided into three components: Devoted (Scripture reading and study of the week’s topic), Individual (a place to record personal insights and answers to questions) and Via prayer (pray and/or write out a prayer). Weekly group study is also encouraged as a part of the accountability/mentoring process, and a downloadable leader’s guide is now available from the publisher. McCrary and Holbert, both certified Christian life coaches, bring a personal yet professional touch to their work through the use of positive illustrations, creative questions, action plans, and exercises designed to move readers from observation to action. Jesus tells us, “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them” (Matthew 18:20). Where two or more study D.I.V.A.S. of the Divine, they will find Him in their midst, rearranging their hearts and lives to fit His purposes. Want to know more? Check out the authors’ website or that of their publisher, Hensley...
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